

Spring Herb Garden



Chamomile, which has a sweet and fresh scent like apples, is dried and used for herbal tea. It is effective for relaxing and for good sleep.

Crimson Clover

Crimson Clover

Crimson Clover has soft green leaves and bright red flowers.Crimson means deep red, and it is also called Strawberry Candle.



Nasturtium is popular as an ornamental plant. Both leaves and flowers are edible.

Other Spring Herbs

Other Spring Herbs

Rucola, which has a smell like sesame seeds, chives, and leaf lettuce etc. Many sorts of herbs that can play active roles in our kitchen, grow in the garden.

Summer Herb Garden

Herbs in our garden are fast grow during the rainy season and a lot of colorful flowers bloom afterwards.



Spearmint is one of the most popular summer herbs. It is used for herbal tea and for garnishing on deserts. It is also put in a net and used for a herbal bath with a cool sensation.

Sweet Basil

Sweet Basil

This is the best season for harvesting sweet basil which is essential for Italian dishes. Fresh leaves are used for salads and pizza toppings. Also, the Genova sauce is made by mixing olive oil and pine nuts and is often used as a sauce for pasta and carpaccio dishes.

Other herbs for flower viewing

  • Lamb’s Ears

    Lamb's Ears

  • Dyers Chamomile

    Dyers Chamomile

  • Mallow


Autumn Herb Garden


At the end of a hot summer, sage starts adding color to our herb garden.

Cherry Sage

Cherry Sage

This herb has a beautiful color contrast of bright red and pale green. It is well known as being drought resistant and easy to grow.

Mexican Bush Sage

Mexican Bush Sage

Mexican bush sage has purple flowers arranged in rows. It is resistant to cold and dryness and adds its color accent to our garden for a long period (till late in November)

Winter Herb Garden

North Pole

North Pole

Our herb garden gets frosted and many of the plants lose their leaves, however the North Pole’s little white flowers keep blooming.



Mimosa has small yellow flowers and the best time for flower viewing is in February to March. Flowers are harvested and dried before the pollen falls off to avoid the color fading. Dried flowers are used for potpourri etc.



The pale blue flowers of the Rosemary plant bloom around September and March.
Rosemary isn’t only used for cooking and herbal tea, but also for shampoo and skin lotion. It is known as being effective for skin tightening and antioxidation.